Rabu, 21 April 2010

Music and Idealism

What kind of music do you like to hear?
What sort of song do you like to sing?
What type of rhythm do you like to whistle?
What genre of music that suits to you?

Music is an expression.
And I believe that every song which has been made was an outpouring feelings which being felt by the song-writters themselves, when they wrote out the songs. That's why, we usually touched by a certain song because the lyric is downright suits with our real life. Or maybe the tone!

We shouldn't know the mean of the lyrics for enjoying a music. All we have to do just listen and feel it. BUT some of people or maybe BUNCH of them are very idealistic about music. They really like a certain genre of music and hating another genre. Umm let's say dangdut. Indonesian people should have liked dangdut because dangdut is an origin genre from our country. But most of them dislike it. Why? Maybe they think it's not an elite type of song to hear. Or hard metal songs! You know maybe some people whom dislike it think like "What the hack kind of music is that? Screaming unclearly. Very not eye-catching and just make us deaf because of such a high volume."
What's next? Jazz? Aaaaah jazz. So many people like this one. But perhaps for them who don't understand about jazz, its tone and rhythm sounds abstrack, unfimiliar, and also weird (well that used to be my first impression about jazz).

Buuuut after all, we have to realize. That every song was made to entertain the listeners or minimal the songwritter itself. I just love almost every genre of music but depends on the situation. Dangdut? Ok! Heavy metal? Hell yeah! Jazz? No problemo. Just listen to the songs, no matter what genre or the singer who sing the song. Just listen to it. Don't be too idealistic about music unless you want stuck in the one and don't know the other. Whereas each music is beautiful and special. Once again, all you have to do just LISTEN and FEEL.

Sooo, would you like answering my introducing questions above?

:):) caaaw

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