Rabu, 01 September 2010

A Trully Beautiful Tips

There are so many beauty tips, we're leaked by them. But I have 3 beauty tips---the very basic and important ones---- you might have read before. I took this from Audrey Hepburn's quotes. So here they are:

  1. For beautiful eyes, look for the goods in others.       Means: Do not be prejudiced. Prejudice brings badnesses and never brings any goodness.
  2. For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness.    Means: Everything happens start from your mouth. So beware with it.
  3. For pose, walk with knowledge that you are never alone. Means:  Our outside look is necessary. But that's nothing when you don't have knowledge or... what people called it? Oh yup, inner-beauty. Outer-beauty plus inner-beauty = incredibly naturally beauty.

So how about me? Well. I'm trying to do those 3 tips currently. I'm doing this,is not so as to I could be pretty (but if it could, i hope so! ;) ). It's all because I wanna be a good person. I know I'm not a good person but at least I'm trying to be one.

P.S.: Can't wait for Bubar with #9Awesome 

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