Selasa, 17 Mei 2011


Hi Happy Tuesday the 17th People! 

Hari Minggu 15 Mei 2011 lalu, tempat les biola ku tampil dalam event "Crafty Days" di Tobucil. Seperti namanya, "Tobucil" adalah toko buku kecil dimana disana biasanya berkumpul komunitas-komunitas kaya pecinta musik klasik, jazz, komunitas menyulam, komunitas mendongeng,dll. Mungkin kalian sering lewat depan Tobucil tapi gatau sebenernya tempat macam apa itu.

Nah, tanggal 15 Mei aku tampil disana mainin lagu Irish Washerwoman. Lagu ini temponya cepeeet banget, mana aku ga latian gabungan lagi sebelumnya. Tapi untungnya waktu di Hari H aku bisa ngikutin. Nah di dalem lagu juga ini ada sesi duet aku bareng Agum.

Sebenernya konser ini bukan konser biola pertamaku. Waktu dulu di Nada, aku pernah konser sekali di UNPAD tapi dengan konsep yg berbeda. Kalo di Tobucil kan nyantai. Waktu di UNDAP formal banget dimana spotlight hanya ada pada pemain musik.

Satu yang aku dapet dari konser kemarin adalah: Aku-harus-jago-main-biola. HARUS. Para penonton termasuk aku sangat terkesima sama penampilan senior-senior di Ammy Alternative String yang umurnya masih kecil, muda, belia. They amazed me, they amazed us. Musik bener-bener menyatukan semua penonton yang tertawa bersama, terkesima bersama dan hanyut bersama dalam sebuah kehangatan alunan musik. Pokoknya konser tanggal 17 Juli nanti, aku harus bisa lebih bagus dari sekarang! Yo Agum, mari berjuang untuk bisa memainkan biola seperti senior-senior Ammy! No matter how long it takes, we must practice more and more! Don't be hopeless, keep fiddling 'cause someday it us who will amaze the audience!

N.B: I wanna see another 17 with you :D.

Kamis, 12 Mei 2011

After The Exam

Hello. Halo. Holla. 

I don't know why but I think greeting is important to me.It's been more than a month since the last post. And I'm intend to use English in my first post after a super long rest of no posting. Well, UN or Ujian Nasional has finally done! But I have one more big examination to be through. And this exam is not less important for my educational future. As you know, I really wanna go to SMAN 3 Bandung. I want it like a lot! And to study there, I have to do the exam which takes more than 1200 participants including really damn hard academic test. Besides, there are also interview and psycho test.

Because of all those reasons above, I want to practice my English ability especially in writing. If I don't get big score at academic test at least I have to get a really high score in my TOEIC.

Uuuuh, you know how much I hate this test! I should be having fun at this time after UN done. But the struggle hasn't done yet! Then, in the middle of my hatred I remembered one quote I found in '5 Menara' books. It written, "Berlelah-lelahlah, manisnya hidup terasa setelah lelah berjuang". And now I'm throwing myself with the question of why do I have to work hard while people, somewhere out there, can easily enter the school they want without any hard work or struggle. But then again, I know that every hard work bring in a good result. AND the question appearing again in my head: Have I done this hard work?

Ok out of the topic.

Last night, I played with my Mom's camera. It's not an SLR one, it called a pen camera. I took pictures of some polaroid photo sheets and really tried to make it like a result of SLR camera. I think I'm pretty success.

Out of the topic (again), I'd like to talk about booklet. Booklet always means a lot to me. I always wonder how my face would be in it, how my will "message and impression" written, printed and will be a reminiscence remembered for the last of our life. 

But sadly, in my school, the authority to take care of booklet controlled by teachers. They forbid us to do the photo shoot out of out school and the colour of the booklet will be 80% in black and white. It's okay if the photos are artistic. My class was trying to choose the super artistic theme as it could be yet when I looked the result this afternoon I was really amazed of HOW OH-BUTT-FACE-I-AM in those photos. None are good. None are good. None are good.  *crying while locking myself at toilet*


Ok, talking about booklet make my emotion raise up to the highest level. It's better to close this post. I have nothing else to talk about. I will spend on reading my new novel at the remain of the night. Sooo, good night! 

N.B: Wish me LOT OF LUCK to go through the RSBI exam succesfully.