Sabtu, 25 September 2010

What If

What if I had a tremendous pretty face merely like those models on the magazines.

What if I could play all kind of strings instruments.

What if I had a little brother.

What if I were genius

What if I could do ballet

What if I had much money in my pocket

What if I could play piano ah-ma-zing-ly

What if I were taller than now

What if............

What if............ and,

What if.

You know, actually that "what if" question is sometimes killing you. You'll never thanked for everything you've had currently if you're too much keep on asking yourself "what if". Every undue emphasis brings badnesses, right? Of course.

Um, honestly, it's 12:40 am. I've no idea about what to do, no friends to talk with, and nothing to say. I'm just blabbering right now. Please mind with this situation, nice reader. I have shitty insomnia which always attacks me unexpectedly.

Hmmmmmm. Talking about what if, imma imagining;
Now I'm in the bungalow at the edge of the white sand beach. Tonight the stars shining really bright, even I can see the scorpio constellation through my window. I can hear the sound of the sea wives clearly. Wuuuush-ing and wuuuush-ing. Ah..... So beautiful! 
I have plenty plans for tomorrow. I know the weather will be as great as today, so I decide to dive depth down to the see, taking a lot of pictures beneath, then sun-bathing. I don't care about my skin if it would turned dark or not. I'm having fun here. This nowhere island is completely mine! 
Yes, there is no homework, no housework. I'm free here. Free like a bird. I'm free! Yippie!!!!!! 

Now let's get back to the reality!
It's enough for the dreaming session of the day. I'm gonna hit the bed because it has been 1:00 am already. Bye!


Sudah lama ku selami makna hidup ini
Dan bertanya, apakah arti kebebasan yang hakiki
Lalu mencari suatu arti
Untuk memaknai hidup ini
Agar lebih berarti 

Jumat, 03 September 2010

Bubar with 9A

Untuk pertama kali. Dan terakhir kali. Aku buka puasa bareng anak-anak kumpul bocah (kumpul bocah: panggilan buat penghuni 9A).

 Bubar yang sangat, sangaat berkesan.

 Semuanya bahagia, semua bersuka ria, semua bergembira. 

Buka puasa ini diselenggarakan di Tree House Cafe yg ada di jalan Hasanudin pada tanggal 3 September 2010. Di event ini, aku jadi koordinatornya. Mengapa? Entahlah, waktu aku cerita tentang rencana bubar 9a ke bapak dan ibu, tiba-tiba beliau berdua semangat banget mengeluarkan ide-ide untuk rencana bubar itu. Yah aku juga jadi berapi-api, dan bertekad lah aku ingin menjadi seksi sibuk pada bubar kali ini.

Ok. Off the main topic

Bubar kali ini sangat AWE TO THE SOME alias AWESOME. Yang berpartisipasi juga ada 44 orang dari 48 siswa kelas 9a. Makasih ya semua temen-temen yang udah mau dateng dan meramaikan bubar ini. Tahun depan kita udah ga bisa kaya gini lagi ya, sedih. Udah SMA, udah pisah, dan kalau pun ada buka bareng tahun depan, aku yakin 1000% ga bakalan serame yg ini.

ngumpul di sekolah sebelum berangkat ke treehouse

kumpul bocah

kado untuk ditukarkan

Makasih sekali lagi untuk kalian semua. Maaf untuk segala kekurangan yang ada, maklumin yaa, aku dan segenap temen-temen panitia adalah  event organizer yang masih sangat amatiran. Semoga liburan panjang kalian semua menyenangkan :)

Rabu, 01 September 2010

A Trully Beautiful Tips

There are so many beauty tips, we're leaked by them. But I have 3 beauty tips---the very basic and important ones---- you might have read before. I took this from Audrey Hepburn's quotes. So here they are:

  1. For beautiful eyes, look for the goods in others.       Means: Do not be prejudiced. Prejudice brings badnesses and never brings any goodness.
  2. For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness.    Means: Everything happens start from your mouth. So beware with it.
  3. For pose, walk with knowledge that you are never alone. Means:  Our outside look is necessary. But that's nothing when you don't have knowledge or... what people called it? Oh yup, inner-beauty. Outer-beauty plus inner-beauty = incredibly naturally beauty.

So how about me? Well. I'm trying to do those 3 tips currently. I'm doing this,is not so as to I could be pretty (but if it could, i hope so! ;) ). It's all because I wanna be a good person. I know I'm not a good person but at least I'm trying to be one.

P.S.: Can't wait for Bubar with #9Awesome