Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

Tengah Hari

Tengoklah halaman depan rumahku! 
Rumputnya dipenuhi dedaunan yang berguguran
Dahan pohon manggaku dihinggapi banyak burung yang berkicauan
Siang---menjelang sore--- ini begitu mengasyikan 
Walaupun tak banyak yang ku kerjakan
Namun tetap saja, mengasyikan

Aku tak tau bagaimana harus memulai post ini
Bagaimana harus membuat kalimat pembuka 
Sekedar kalimat sapaan
Bahkan aku bingung untuk menentukan judul

Ah,rerencangan (oke ini maksa banget)

Tengoklah saja gambar-gambar kali ini
Bukan gambar istimewa, bahkan sangat biasa
Tapi aku suka sekali 

Shasha as the photographer

manohara's style

© the right-est side expression

 Dhay and Arin

Those are another reasons why I © school

Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

Eeeeee; I

Note the words I!

Hello! My name is Hani Dwi Hapsari. I can play some instruments like piano and violin. But pathetically, my violin playing is bad. Bad like every bad teachers in your school. Bad like every bad faces you have ever seen. Ok, never mind. Forget it.

Keep paying attention on the words I!

I like piano better than violin. Talk about piano, let me introduce you my friend named Edy, whose complete name is Tediany Pramesti. Her piano playing always fascinates me! She has piano teacher, named the same as me. That is Ibu Hani.

My ex-piano teacher, called Bapak Rusli. But now he's teaching my elder sister, Nisfiani. Oh yes, my new piano teachers are Cici Vegy and Ibu Heidy. Because of the examination of the Royal School of Music which is held annually is nearly begin, I always practice the Honky Tonky.

I have nothing again to say. So bubye and merci for paying attention on every EEEEEEE words in this post that eventually really scrubby.




Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010


Marhaban Ya Ramadhan Asdhiqa'ih!

Oh finally Ramadhan is coming! The most waiting month among the existing12 months. There are sooo many reasons why I adore this month. As a muslim, you must be know the goodness of Ramadhan. But beyond all of those religion-reasons, I do have my own reason.

1. I don't know why, every Ramadhan brings a sensation of something. Sensation you only could found in the particular month, espcially in Ramadhan. Like a tranquility, happiness and gratitude.
2. Ramadhan brings blessings. It gives you much rewards, and precisely gives you so many holidays. Totally woohooo!!
3. Ramadhan is a fasting month. We don't eat for 12 hours or more. And it means, we could loss our weight ;) (terms and conditions apply). 
4. The point of Ramadhan is LEBARAAAN. Oh words cannot describe how I love Lebaran. How I always wait for this feast. When Lebaran comes, my whole family come from every corners in the country. We gathered, having fun, forgive each other, eat like pigs :-). And the most important thing is given THR!
5. "Baju baruu alhamdulillah, untuk dipakai di hari raya". Have you ever heard that song? New clothes in Lebaran make everything puuurrrfffeeect.

But friends, those just my other opinion beyond all the spiritual-goodness of Ramadhan, just like what I've written above :D. 

"Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin Readers"
 Wish that all of our worship in this Ramadhan shall be accepted

Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010


you are a genius, mr.a-z!

Something Sweet

Hello I'm dead bored here and find this sweet,simple conversation in other people's tumblr.

Boy: You know what?
Girl: What?
Boy: Next time I see you, don't wear that skirt again, it's too revealing
Girl: Why? I thought you loved that skirt
Boy: Next time, wear something that reaches to your ankles
Girl: Ok whatever
Boy: A dress that reaches to your ankles.. and wear long white gloves that reach to your elbows
Girl: What?
Boy: Trust me
Girl: What are you trying to do? Hide me from everyone?
Boy: Do up your hair as well real pretty
Girl: Are you listening to what I'm saying? You're so conservative, don't choke me like this... Are you kidding me?
Boy: I'm dead serious.
Girl: You know I dont like guys who boss me around
Boy: ... Wear a veil
Girl: ... what?
Boy: Wear this ring too
Girl: ....
Boy: Marry Me

Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Kota dan Warganya

Have you ever been to car free day in every Sunday at Dago? 

Well, it's a fun place to visit in the weekend besides Gasibu. Car free day ini mulai dilaksanakan kira-kira..... (maaf tanpa bertanya atau mengadakan observasi terlebih dahulu) akhir April. Kenapa aku bisa bilang akhir April? Soalnya waktu tanggal 2 Mei aku ke sana bareng temen-temen 9a yang waktu itu masih jadi anak 8d. Waktu itu cfd masih sepiiiiiiii sekali. Dago serasa punya sendiri!

Nah, pagi ini aku ke car free day lagi, dan naik sepeda. Tapi sekarang bareng Bapak dan Mbak Ninis. Yak, car free day udah berubah jadi tempat yang wow! Sungguh sangat ramai. Sepanjang jalan Ir. H. Juanda penuh sama orang-orang dengan berbagai macam kegiatan. Ada yang senam, ada yang sarapan,ada yang jualan, ada yang arisan, ada yang ngeband, ada yang sesepedaan kaya aku. Ada juga yang cuma jalan-jalan. Yang olahraga dari mulai capoera, badminton, sepak bola, ada semua disitu. Tapi sayangnya ga kolam renang makanya ga ada yang berenang (yaiyalah mana ada kolam renang di pinggir jalan). Car free day seems to be another alternative place to hang around in the Sunday morning, instead of sleeping and doing nothing.

Di car free day itu, aku serasa berkawan dengan semua orang. Semua gembira, semua tersenyum, semua bahagia. Meskipun tidak saling kenal, namun satu. Ada satu kesamaan mutlak yang kami miliki. Kami..... kami adalah warga kota yang kehilangan lahan. Dan hal itulah yang membuat ku merasa berkawan.