Senin, 26 April 2010

Salam Malam

saraf kranial, saraf spinal, hormon oksitonin, hormon prolektat,medulla spinata, medula oblongata, cerebellum, cerebrum,akson, dendron


What a good introduction, right??

Oke, malem ini kata-kata pembuka diatas adalah sahabat setia aku. Ditemani peyeum bakar penyejuk hati, segelas air putih, laptop yang memutarkan lagu-lagu klasik, dan buku-buku biologi bertebaran di sekitar kamar. Aku. Siap menantang malam. Menjelajahi dunia biologi. Tersesat dalam rumitnya labirin pengetahuan.

Sementara teman-teman diluar sana tengah beristirahat dengan lelapnya.




Berkutik dengan urusanku sendiri. Berusaha memasukan kata-kata asing ke dalam kepalaku, menghapalnya, mempelajarinya. Oh, can I catagorized myself as a geek? bio-geek? Ah whatever.

As long as I'm happy. As long as I love doing this (:
Have a nice dream dear readers, students, and friends! Mimpilah yang indah, lupakan yang sudah, semoga esok membawa berkah.

Salam malam,

si bocah insomnia :)

Note: Studying biology for OSN, 1 May 2010. WISH-ME-VERY-LUCK-!

Sabtu, 24 April 2010

Fame Station with Ever After

Heheheeey amigos!

I would like to share my story about my last performance at Fame Station with Ever After. The performance started in 12am-12.30am. We played 10 songs those are; Come Closer-by Rico Blanco, Clock-by Coldplay, Suspension-by Mae, Allright-by Super Grass, Return to The Trees-by Diliquent Habil, Flying Blind-by Smoke Screen, You're Unbelievable-by EMF, Don't Ha Ha- (forgot who sing it :p).

Ok it's my first time visit Fame Station. You know, I'm still under age to can enter that place. But yesterday was different story. I was accompanied by my mom, and my lovely annoyed-sister, mbak Ninis. Aah and om Nurdin. Alhamdulillah we did it nicely. But we do have some tragedy there. One of om Tono's guitar string broken perfectly when we were playing in the stage. It didn't make our performance bad though.

Those are some photos I made in the fame station:
 me in action (ok let's see my face. it really pathetically looks like an ass :-( )
we sing

we dance

we steal things together

 distracting blur

the shinning guitarist

Practically the photos are more than 15, you know. But these are enough to representating how dazzling the show was. Oh yes, I almost forgot telling you that those pictures are taken by the amature photographer---- Mbak Ninis. So sorry for the unclear pictures.

Smell ya in the next post! ;)

Note:Dont forget to click Shasha's blog then find out her own 1001 classic stories

Rabu, 21 April 2010

Music and Idealism

What kind of music do you like to hear?
What sort of song do you like to sing?
What type of rhythm do you like to whistle?
What genre of music that suits to you?

Music is an expression.
And I believe that every song which has been made was an outpouring feelings which being felt by the song-writters themselves, when they wrote out the songs. That's why, we usually touched by a certain song because the lyric is downright suits with our real life. Or maybe the tone!

We shouldn't know the mean of the lyrics for enjoying a music. All we have to do just listen and feel it. BUT some of people or maybe BUNCH of them are very idealistic about music. They really like a certain genre of music and hating another genre. Umm let's say dangdut. Indonesian people should have liked dangdut because dangdut is an origin genre from our country. But most of them dislike it. Why? Maybe they think it's not an elite type of song to hear. Or hard metal songs! You know maybe some people whom dislike it think like "What the hack kind of music is that? Screaming unclearly. Very not eye-catching and just make us deaf because of such a high volume."
What's next? Jazz? Aaaaah jazz. So many people like this one. But perhaps for them who don't understand about jazz, its tone and rhythm sounds abstrack, unfimiliar, and also weird (well that used to be my first impression about jazz).

Buuuut after all, we have to realize. That every song was made to entertain the listeners or minimal the songwritter itself. I just love almost every genre of music but depends on the situation. Dangdut? Ok! Heavy metal? Hell yeah! Jazz? No problemo. Just listen to the songs, no matter what genre or the singer who sing the song. Just listen to it. Don't be too idealistic about music unless you want stuck in the one and don't know the other. Whereas each music is beautiful and special. Once again, all you have to do just LISTEN and FEEL.

Sooo, would you like answering my introducing questions above?

:):) caaaw

Senin, 19 April 2010

Bring My December 2009 Back, Please!

Buenas noches amigos!

How's your day goin everyone? Mine? Quite good actually. Untuk temen-temen deket aku mungkiiin, udah sering denger ocehan aku tentang betapa pinginnya aku kembali ke bulan Desember 2009.

But that desire never really piss off from my mind until now. Desember 2009. Bulan paling komplit dari 11 bulan yang ada di tahun 2009. Atau lebih jelasnya, bulan Desember tahun 2009 itu ngebuat tahun 2009 such a COMPLETE year ever! Semuanya ada ada di bulan ini. Dari seneng, sedih, nangis, ketawa, bahagia, kecewa, jatuh cinta, patah hati.

Di mulai dari awal bulan Desember.
Waktu itu ada tugas kesenian suruh ngebuat grup musik gitu. Nah berawal dari situlah untuk pertama kalinya aku tampil di depan umum di SMP 7 tercintaaah---ngiringin orang nyanyi, dan ngeband bareng Lagam dan Jajas. Lagam as a bassist and Jajas as a drummer. Me? As a property huhuhu.....kidding. I was a keyboardist. Disitu aku sekelompok juga sama Didi, Shasha, Oma, Saras, Jeje, Dyah, Raja, Dila, Upe, Dian, Vidya, Ayang, Arin, Dhayita, Nada, Raha, Abi. Kita nyanyiin lagu Ekspresi sama Yamko Rambe Yamko. Alhamdulillah, the performance was ended with satisfaction.

Nah gara-gara penampilan kelas 8d dari dua kelompoknya bagus, kita (anak 8d) disuruh tampil lagi buat nyambut kepala sekolah se-Indonesia. Because of band-practice we did at time, we didn't have to study alias dispensasi (wooohooo!). Padahal, minggu depannya udah UAS. *hamdalah* penampilannya membawakan lagu Manuk Dadali dan Ekspresinya berhasil jugaa.

Setelah nyambut kepala sekolah itu aku juga kebagian jaga gallery dulu sama Agum. Besok udah UAS lagi woooh. Untung UASnya berjalan dengan lancar dan tertib hahaha. Day goes by and right after finished with UAS stuffs, the time was for refreshing. Yeah I had a study-tour to Jogjakarta for 4 days. Wah di Jogja sih REALLY UNFORGETTABLE moments banget.

After having sooooo much fun in Jogja and its surrounding areas we had approximately 4 days or a week holiday (?). Ah I forgot. Pokoknya setelah dari Jogja itu ada long week-end gitu dan aku sekeluarga pergi ke Puncak buat liburan. Disana aku bener-bener yang namanya refreshing ngeliat pemandangan yang bikin hati ini bilang subhanallah terus (?), swimming all the way di Puncak yang segitu dinginnya. Wah M-A-N-T-A-P-!.

Pulang dari Puncak, ada jadwal ke sekolah lagi tapi cuman 2 hari. Hari Seninnya kalo ga salah tuh ada tanding basket antar kelas gitu (apa sih namanya? lomba yang suka diadain di akhir semester buat ngisi hari-hari sekolah terkahir. apa? pekan olah raga apa? lupaaa hehehehe). Niat awalnya aku cuman pingin jadi penonton, ternyata eh ternyata aku disuruh main sama temen-temen. Dengan agak berat hati aku main (soalnya aku ga jago main basket). Untungnya ga memalukan lah mainnya, lumayan masukin 2 bola dan juara 2 putri yeah.

Dari situ bencana mulai dateng. Keesokan harinya setelah pekan olahraga yang aku lupa namanya itu adalah hari pembagian rapot. Dan lagi-lagi Alhamdulillah *sujud syukur* nilai rapotnya memuaskaaaaaaaaaaan banget wooo. But pathetic me. Right after that event, I gotta sick. Awalnya kirain cuman radang tenggorokan, eh taunya malah kena penyakit yang dibawa sama nyamuk Aedes Aegypty alias Dengue Fever. Dan bravonya lagi aku masuk rumah sakit TEPAT disaat ulang taun aku ke-14 ----- 25 Desember 2009. Birthday wishes dari orang-orang jadi ada tambahan wishes " semoga cepet sembuh yaaa".

Yang paling mengharukan (atau memalukan) dari tanggal 25 Desember ini, sebelum aku di bawa ke rumah sakit kan ceritanya ada acara tiup lilin dulu tuh. Dengan keadaan lemah terbaring, I was surrounded by people I love the most---- Ibu, Bapak, Mbak Ninis, Malya, Nenek, Mbak Ipah, Bibi. Yang memalukan adalah, pas semuanya pada nyanyi selamat ulang tahun aku malah nangis tersedu-sedu, meronta-ronta (yak lebay mode on). Nenek juga nangiiis pas ngasihin kado ke aku. Asiknya? Orang-orang pada ngejenguk aku di rumah sakit, nelponin nanyain gimana keadaan aku, minta makan apaa aja dibeliin (aku waktu itu minta waffle, cheesecake sama curry spageti)
For the first time being hospitalized and I know now, that sick people would be very happy and grateful for our coming. Jadi mulai dari sekarang, kalo ada temen/keluarda/kerabat yang sakit, jangan segan-segan untuk nengook yaaa. Yang ditengok pasti bahagia deh.

Setelah selsai sakit dan dirawat 5 hari di RS.Borromeus kamar Carolus no. 3, akhirnya pulang jugaa. Yah udah akhir tahun dan akhirnya aku bareng keluarga BBQ-an (ritual taun baru di keluarga aku) di depan rumah sambil nunggu jam 12 malem untuk ngerayain taun baru.

Ok now 01.09am. Head to bed. AH YA, I will make my December 2009 again. When the life feels like the real wheel.

That was my SUPRA COMPLETE December. How bout yours?
Ciao! ;)

Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Never Knew I Needed

Howdy mate! I’m kinda sensitive right now. For the first I want to let my heart speak up and let you know what my heart is speaking about. Usually, I tell those and these problems, stories, gossips or everything to Shasha-----my dearest best friend. But for today, I want to be honest to myself and all of you. Fyi, it much easier to tell this in English. Because if I told this post in Indonesian, you know, I’ll have a little stomachache (have that stomachache whenever talking about sensitive things hehe).

Too much bullshits, huh? So let’s off to main theme. Eheeeem *cough*

Maybe this is the feeling, when you’ve lost somebody who used to be important to you. And maybe it’s true about what are people saying, that you will never know how important something until you lost it.
Well in this post I want to make some recognition. Without embarrassed feeling, without burden, or any forcible feeling,

I honestly would like to say; I miss you

I miss every part of yours when we were together
I miss your hospitality
I miss those “I” words that you put behind my name when you greeted me on that IM conversation
I miss when we chatted like hell; when you accompanied me until midnight, even until the dawn came when I had no friend at home
I miss every word and every sentence you typed to comfort me, to erase every worry I feel, and to entertain me from every guilty feeling which usually appeared after I had a bad score
I miss the greetings you sent to me in yahoo messenger
I miss your kindness
I miss every story you tell
Even I miss your careless to me
I keep on missing you even though we rarely talked (almost never)

But then again…
I know this is way muuuuuch better than keep our last relationship
Acting like don’t know each other in the real life
Than stay in a relationship which is going to be broken

After the first time we broke up, I cry
But wait
This is not a regretting-cry
This is cry of welcoming for the new chapter in my life
And automatically for leaving the last chapter that has been done, not happily. But very colorful

For you
I’ll never forget you
Because you’re the first person who bring me in pink color to the life   

My aim making this post is not to beg you back
No, not that
I just feel very grateful and I’d like to say thank you thank you and thank you
Thank you for these 2 months and the months before we were together   
Thanks for making my life different and doesn’t flat anymore
Life is never flat, isn’t it?

Last but not least…
But we’re still friends, are we?
Keep communicating without feeling awkward, will ya?
Ok then, I’m feeling better right now after wrote this post. Oh damned! It’s 01.00 and I haven’t slept yet. Off to bed, sorry for the weeping post. Hope you’ll learn some lesson for it. Adios!

Senin, 12 April 2010

romance is dead

Howdy people!

Are you familiar to the title? It's  Romace is dead is a song by Paloma Faith. Good song, indeed. Very eye-catching, because I love that song straightaway since the first time I heard it. The part I love the most is this part:

You shouldn't take just valentine day
Just to show you love me
You don't need any money,
Just abit of imagination

Absolutely true. 

And I just love the reff too. It really invites me to dance. 

A rose is blue and violets red
Say it isn't true Don't tell me romance is dead
So wake up you sleepy head
All your dreams are just a kiss away...


Hmmm, then is the romance dead? I do think so. It is. Next topic pleaseee *cough* *cough*

I wanna tell you about today's adventure to Shasha's house. Actually we did some "team-group" assignment, but you know, if some girls are around, there would be something that cannot be saparated from them. GOSSIPS! yeaah. But we didn't make or share lots gossips, I think. But we made LOTS of photos. Yea you know, since the social sites become very popular, everybody seems to make so many pictures for being uploaded to his/her facebook. And the alay phenomenon begins..... (?) 

Hahaha off to main topic! So these are some pictures we took: 


  what a horrible pose!



Well, without looking those pictures carefully, you know that none of those pictures which my face look "kobe" (what should I called kobe in english, eh? photogenic?). Pathetic me.

Oh almost forgot! I was given soo much foods at shasha's place. From snacks, spaghetti, juice, to big meal. If I gained any weight, I know whom to blame first. Shasha >:). But I'm grateful for today. Alhamdulillah...

Ok enough for today's post. Ciao! 

Minggu, 11 April 2010

hola mi amigos!

Hola mi amigos!! hahaha

Well, this is my first post in this blog. So I'd like to say Hi! happy reading this blog.
The blog will be filled some of my thought that I wanna share with you,readers. I don't care about people who will judge me through this blog. All I wanna do is just bestow upon every feel which cannot poured on, and describing every words which couldn't said orally. And I wish I could practice my writting ability with this blog.

Ok, those were my introduction. And today I'm in the mood for telling you about hmm rain? yea, rain. I mean not that Korean artist. This is rain in the real meaning.

It falls
It pours us
and it bring some coldness that I always love

The gloomy cumulus never bring me bad moods, may be sometimes. Ok then, so what's so good 'bout rain?
Well maybe this make sense that

 and Poseidon
yeah the tremendously handsome LOGAN LERMAN

It's makes a sense why i do love rain, doesn't it? hahaha. Well, actually those aren't my reason. I think because when the rain comes, every single of my favourite things are can be used. Rain is a compositon among hot chocolate, eucalyptus oil, socks and soft music. 
Just like what I'm doin now. In the midnight, listening to Kings of Convenience-boat behind, and wearing such comfortable socks and pajama.

Ok then, my hot chocolate is not hot any longer. It's time to end this post. I'll go to bed. Bye :-h, see ya in another post
